Search Ensembles partially pertains to "sonic archeology", or unearthing forgotten and
previously unreleased recordings from project participants' archives, plus new recordings to
create conceptually cohesive albums.
I am interested in receiving "unfinished" and unreleased recordings (instruments,
vocalizations, and analog electronic tracks (mostly performed in loose yet restrained,
atmospheric and textural ways). Field recordings are sought after too, especially abstract
oddities that aren't easily identifiable.
Older and/or low fidelity recordings are encouraged and appropriate for the concept and
aesthetic of this project. New pristine recordings can be submitted, but be warned that if they
get used, they will most likely end up "weathered" by the time I get done with them.
I can accept wav or aiff files via snail mail or a website like Dropbox.
There is no deadline for this project, although the sooner I receive tracks, the sooner I can
get things started on the next album.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.
Thanks for your time and interest,